Membership at the TBCM
Market Driven
The Thunder Bay Country Market is a membership-driven organization, which means members annually elect new Board members for the Board of Directors, and meet twice annually to hear about Market operation, finances and strategic vision.
The Market operates under By-Laws, which were updated and ratified on March 28, 2019: TBCM By-Law Revision 2019

Membership is open to everyone!
Membership at the Market is open to anyone who is interested in the Market and its success. Being a member means you get to vote at AGM meetings. All memberships must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Can I be a vendor without being a member?
Yes. You do not need a membership to become a vendor. However there is a $100 vending fee that applies for each vending year. This fee goes towards website maintenance, vendor workshops, and other market related costs.

Apply for Membership!
Membership Application Form – Fee is $50 plus HST. Please read the application package carefully (it has all of the information you will need to know) and submit to or drop off to the office at the market.
Membership Renewal
Under the updated By-Laws, Section 8.03 Renewal of Membership, “An existing membership shall automatically be renewed upon receipt of the Member’s membership fee for the upcoming membership period. To clarify, a membership application is not required to renew an existing membership.”